Birthparent Directive

Pregnant? Considering Placing Your Child For Adoption? Please take a moment to learn about us:

Step 1: View Our Adoption Profile/Dear Birthmother Letter

Step 1: View Our Adoption Profile/Dear Birthmother Letter

Step 2: View Our Photobook to see what life would be like with our family
Sometimes this link acts a little weird, so if you're having trouble with it, try again. There is also a link inside the book that will allow you to view it full screen.

Step 3: Contact Us Via EMAIL

Starting our journey

Having tried to conceive our second child for the last 3+ years and not being able to do so, we've now turned our eyes to adoption.  We've selected our agency and begin the process this month.  Mia is excited to be a big sister.We've started this blog for 3 purposes.  First, we'd like for any potential birth parents to be able to find out a little about us.   Second, we would like for our friends, family, acquaintances, etc. who might know a potential birth mother/family to be able to refer that birth family to our site.  Third, we want our family and friends to have a place they can go to be updated on our journey.

So, to our friends and family, please know that we think of you as walking alongside us in this journey.  It seems that more and more adoptive parents are able to find their adoptive child's birth mother/family thru someone they already know.  This means that YOU might, for example, have a co-worker who's niece's friend is pregnant and it's not the best time in her life to be a parent.  2 different agencies have told us that more than half of their private adoptions are the result of cases just like this.
That means We need your help!  Mia has a good friend who is adopted, and so is her little brother.  I (Melissa) had coffee with the mother of these 2 great children and her single most important piece of advice was to Tell Everyone You Know That You're Interested In Adopting.  At first, I thought that was a pretty daunting idea, but now I get it.  YOU could very well know the birth mother of our new family member(s).  And did you see that    (s) ??  Yes, that does mean that we would indeed be willing to adopt a sibling group of 2.  In fact, our new family member may be an infant, toddler or pre-school aged child(ren).  We're also open to adopting twins.  It's totally ok if the birth parent(s) and child live outside of Minnesota.  Our agency knows how to deal with this.
So, please help us out by telling everyone that you are comfortable with telling that you know a couple interested in adopting.  And keep your ears open.  We've also had some cards printed with our contact information on them.  If you'd like some of those cards, please let us know by sending us a quick email.  My email is at the top of this page.
We want to thank you for your love and support during this journey.  We ask for your prayers that our new addition will find us soon.  And, if you'd please consider helping us by telling your friends about us thru Facebook or Twitter.... there are links in the upper right of this page for doing just that!  The more people who know about us, the sooner we may meet our new addition!